Saturday, 7 September 2013

The dynamics of cooperative learning

The dynamics of cooperative learning: six explaining factors

In proposing a certain instructional approach one always needs to ask: “Why one thinks it will work. What are the driving forces behind this approach? What kinds of processes cause the growth of knowledge?”

1. Students in small groups are confronted by their fellow students in the group with different solutions and points of view. This may lead to socio-cognitive conflicts that are accompanied by feelings of uncertainty. This may cause a willingness in students to reconsider their own solutions from a different perspective. The resulting processes stimulate higher cognitive skills. In principle, students can also conquer the uncertainty caused by different points of view with the help of other members of the group, particularly where difficult or complicated assignments are concerned.

2. Small groups offer group members the opportunity to profit from the knowledge that is available in the group as a whole. This may take the form of knowledge, skills and experiences that not every member of the group possesses. Students use each other as `resources' under those circumstances (resource sharing).

3. Collaboration in small groups also means that students are given the opportunity to verbalize their thoughts. Such verbalizations facilitate understanding through cognitive reorganization on the principle that 'Those who teach learn the most'. Offering and receiving explanations enhances the learning process. Group members not only profit from the knowledge and insights transmitted through `peer tutoring', but they can also internalize effective problem solving strategies by participating in the collective solution procedures.

4. Positive effects of group work can also be expected on the basis of motivation theory. Cooperation intensifies the learning process. Students in the 12-to-16 age group are strongly oriented towards the peer group and very interested in interaction with their fellow students.

5. From the point of view of teaching methods in mathematics, positive effects may be expected from the kinds of assignments that are used in groups. Special designed assignments, which appeal to different levels of cognition and experiences, offer students the possibility of applying their strengths in the search for solutions. See, for example, Freudenthal's theory of levels in the learning process.

6. Instructional approaches like cooperative learning in which students collaboratively inquire, generate and design parts of the curriculum materials, elicit active processing and may result in knowledge that is applicable in new situations.

Successful mathematics education stays or falls with well designed curriculum materials. First of all, mathematics should be conceived as a human activity rather than a ready made system to be transmitted. From this philosophy of mathematics education, the following criteria may arise:

• Point of departure should be the child’s present experience and prior knowledge.
• Proceed from this starting point toward the concepts, structures and methods in mathematics.
• Utilize rich contexts from real life situations and move forward to mathematical contexts.
• Design ‘multi-ability assignments’ that allow students from different levels to participate.
• Assignments should be special designed for learning in cooperative groups.

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