Saturday, 13 February 2016

ICT EDUCATION - a perspective view

Technology is omnipresent, touching almost every part of our lives, our communities, our homes. Yet most schools lag far behind when it comes to integrating technology into classroom learning. Many are just beginning to explore the true potential tech offers for teaching and learning. Properly used, technology will help students acquire the skills they need to survive in a complex, highly technological knowledge-based economy.
There was a time, not so long ago, when ‘education’ was primarily defined by the course books prescribed by the school boards and later, the universities. School ‘achievement’ comprised of the number of students who could assimilate the quantity of prescribed materials and extensively answer questions in the Board Examination. In the 21st century, the perception of ‘education’ has swung from a product or content driven approach to one that has now re-focused to achieve new curricular goals, that are process and information driven, supported by readily accessible Information and Communication Technology [ICT]. The latter is a necessary progression for all schools to prepare all students for the future through computer education classes that develop the requisite skills and inculcate knowledge about computers and technology.
The Government of India has approved a blueprint for the Digital India programme, which envisages all government services be delivered electronically by 2018. It will also provide high-speed internet as a core utility down to the gram panchayat level and a "cradle-to-grave digital identity unique, lifelong, online and authenticable". Therefore, the question that we need to answer is: Is the present day education preparing all students for such a future?
“In simple terms, digital equity means all students have adequate access to information and communications technologies for learning and for preparing for the future-regardless of socioeconomic status, physical disability, language, race, gender, or any other characteristics that have been linked with unequal treatment.” (Soloman, 2002)
We should constantly lay emphasis on making school education meaningful and relevant so that it acts as a powerful tool for human resource development. However, some sections of the student community need more help to gain an equitable access to such education which will give them the necessary edge, as they transition to college/university or the workforce. Here, the challenge is for schools to search the market to find affordable, quality hardware in sufficient quantities, explore options for easy and low-cost internet access to bridge the knowledge and skills-gap between those who ‘have’ and the ‘have-not’ [access to a computer at home].
Besides, ensuring digital equity also implies the capacity-building for school teachers at all levels, who would be the most important asset to ensure digital equity for all students. Besides, trained teachers would be able to bring in a more integrated /holistic approach to their lesson –planning and pedagogy through their effective and efficient use of technology.

Since, social and professional interactions now and in the future will require students to use technology in some form to enhance the quality of life. To become informed adults and citizens, it is only at school that all students, regardless of their background, can have the opportunity to learn how to use the computer, to conduct online research, surf the internet, learn to check if online information is legitimate, share and discuss with their peers and teachers through e-mail and networking, take responsibility for their learning and consequently, construct knowledge.
Digital natives can efficiently configure instruction to solve problems, complete assigned tasks confidently or even express their creativity is many forms, across the curriculum. Students can begin to create their own unique conceptual frameworks without feeling the constraint of the prescribed parameters of their course books or the teaching styles of their tutors. These skills are important life-skills.
Figure below depicts the academic discipline of Information Technology. The pillars of IT include programming, networking, human-computer interaction, databases, and web systems, built on a foundation of knowledge of the fundamentals of IT. Overarching the entire foundation and pillars are information assurance and security, and professionalism. While this figure does not depict all aspects of the IT discipline, it does help to describe the relation of the key components.

Effective Pedagogy

As with the term ‘pedagogy’, the term ‘effective’ is contested. The ultimate goal of any pedagogy is to develop student learning, and yet the Global Monitoring Report on quality (UNESCO) includes creative, emotional and social development as indicators of quality learning. In order to include a wide number of studies on pedagogy, the review has conceptualised ‘effective’ pedagogy as those teaching and learning activities which make some observable change in students, leading to greater engagement and understanding and/or a measureable impact on student learning. Implicit in these definitions is a starting point or baseline with which to contrast the observable change in behaviour or learning taking place as a result of a teacher’s pedagogy.

An alternative term we could have used is that of ‘quality’, referring not merely to school, national or international student examinations or assessments but also to the quality of the human interaction in the classroom through appropriate pedagogy. ‘Quality’, however, can be seen as looking at the relationship between school inputs, such as quantitative surveys of textbooks and other physical school resources and student achievement, but studies focusing on these range from showing ‘significant positive associations’ (Barrett et al., 2007, p.22) to others which state that ‘there are no clear and systematic relationships between key inputs and student performance’ (Hanushek 1995, p. 232, cited in Barrett et al., 2007).

“Educators are at the heart of the knowledge economy. Teachers in the twenty-first century are increasingly being understood as knowledge workers with the power to facilitate, motivate and collaborate … the potential impact of twenty-first century educators is unparalleled (Kalantzis and Harvey 2002, p. 9).”


As indicated in this section addresses the purpose of ‘curriculum as a process”. Several curriculum theorists [Stenhouse 1975] have suggested that a curriculum should include not only content, but also the means to transact that content. Hence a curriculum must provide principles for the development of a teaching strategy. Once the decision is made on what is worth teaching, psychology and pedagogy principles should guide us identify effective teaching-learning strategies [Kumar 2004]. This section recommends broad strategies on which specific teaching methods and lesson plans can be developed. These strategies are established to be effective and are suitable in the context of IT education. It is recommended that teachers and school implementers incorporate these strategies.

Inquiry-based learning

Inquiry-based learning [Barrett 2005; Olson, S. and Loucks 2000] is an approach in which students are actively engaged in the learning process by asking questions, interacting with the real world, and devising multiple methods to address the questions. Learners are guided by questions that lead to gathering of evidence, formulating explanations from the evidence and communicate and justify the explanations. The teacher plays the role of a cognitive guide and a facilitator in the process. Inquiry based learning is an effective way to realize the key feature of Thinking Skills.

There are different levels of inquiry-based learning. In some forms, the problem is suggested by the teacher and the students devise their procedure to solve the problem. For example, the teacher asks students to prepare a presentation on an unfamiliar topic, such as maintaining an aquarium or embedded applications of computers. Students first identify what they already know about the topic and what they need to find out. Then they gather the relevant information from various sources, and synthesize it to create the presentation. 

Learning via Real-world Context

Learning is most effective when it is situated in a real-life context [Bransford et al 1992]. It engages and challenges students to make connections between their environment and the formal curriculum. Making real world connections to the content, teaching abstract principles by establishing the need for them in a real-life context, and using analogies from students’ everyday lives, are practical methods to realize the underlying key feature of Thematic Integration. Connections to students’ everyday lives can be established in multiple places – within the lessons, through classroom and homework activities, by solving context-rich problems and while working on projects.

Collaborative learning
Collaborative learning (or cooperative learning, group work, team learning) is one method of getting students to actively participate in the process of learning. Several research studies show that students learn more of what is taught, retain knowledge longer, are able to solve more complex problems, and are more satisfied with the process when they learn in groups [Johnson and Johnson 1986, Toten et al 1991]. Students work on one or more tasks in small groups by planning, discussing and negotiating. Collaborative learning can take various forms: groups can be formal or informal, members can be assigned to groups by the teacher or students can self-organize, groups can last for a particular class or for a long-term duration (such as an entire semester, or for a project) and groups can be of varied sizes. Students co-construct and share knowledge, thereby forming a community of learners in the class.

Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. It allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Research studies have revealed that play has been found to be the most developmentally appropriate way for children to learn since it facilitates problem-solving, perspective taking, social skills, and development of the mind (Bailey 2002). The role of play and the use of games as educational tools can influence learning among children by bringing about qualities such as confidence, self-efficacy, and intrinsic motivation (Garris et al 2002).
Hence it’s suggested including playfulness as an explicit basis for designing learning activities and transacting them in the classroom.

Computer curricula in Indian school Boards
Schools in India are affiliated to one of CBSE, ICSE, IB, IGCSE, or State Boards. Each Board
prescribes curricula and conducts standardized examinations for grades 10 and 12. A summary of computers curricula prescribed by these Boards is as follows:
• The CBSE Board follows the NCERT NCF 2005 [CBSE Board]. The NCERT (National Council of
Educational Research and Training) classifies computer literacy into six categories: Fundamental Operations and Concepts, Social and Ethical Issues, IT Tools, Communication Tools, Technology Research Tools and Problem Solving. The curriculum is categorized for three levels: Primary, Middle and Secondary schools. At each level, the categories are divided into competencies and skills to be developed. However these specifications are broad and there are variations in their interpretation across textbooks and schools.
• The ICSE Board has computers as a core subject in 1st to 8th grades, and as an elective in 9th to 12th grades. The syllabi for 9th to 12th grades includes topics such as computer hardware functions, data representation and internal computer structure, computer software, social context of computing and ethical issues, algorithms, programming using a high level language and computers in everyday life. Details are available on their website [ICSE Board]. However the syllabi for the lower grades are left open. Schools are free to follow textbooks by any publisher that they find suitable. As a result there are variations in the topics covered, breadth of topics, concepts and skills taught at different schools.
• The IGCSE Board [IGCSE Board] based out of Cambridge and the IB Board [IB Board] based out of Geneva offers computer science and computer studies at various levels. However, there are not many schools in India that follow these curricula.
• Some State Boards in India have introduced computers as a subject, with varying degrees of syllabus specification. A pioneering effort is the IT@School project by the State govt. of Kerala which provides a comprehensive curriculum and teaching resources for various grades [IT@School project]. However for most other states the details of the topics to be covered and their depth are open to interpretation.
Computer curricula in other countries

There exist K-12 Computer Science curricula in many countries. Some examples are:

• The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Task Force Report [ACM K-12] provides a
curriculum and well-defined methodology to integrate teaching of computers and information technology into K-12 grades. Computer skills are learnt by carrying out projects and computer-based activities in other subjects.
• The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) [ISTE] defines standards for
evaluating skills and knowledge that students need to live productively in a digital world (NETS-S). The milestones describe what students should know and be able to do by the end of various grades, in technology operations, information fluency, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and ethics.
• The European Computer Driving License [ECDL] foundation offers international computer skills certification from introductory to advanced levels. The programmes contain modules which define the ‘skills and competencies to be a proficient user of a computer and computer applications’.
• Governments of several countries define their own curricula, learning objectives and competencies for CS education (also called Informatics, or IT) at the school level. [Hubwieser et al 2011] note that there is a variation not only in the content to be taught and at what level, but also in the levels of specificity described. They describe a research framework (called Darmstadt model), to systematize descriptions of school CS education across countries.

Integrated models such as the one from ACM are desirable but this approach is not suitable for Indian schools. Two key limiting factors are the lack of various resources and low computer skills among the teachers. Hence a comprehensive curriculum tailor-made for the Indian context is required.

Underlying Philosophy
This document addresses three purposes of a curriculum:
(i)                 Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted,
(ii)               Curriculum as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students, and
(iii)             Curriculum as a process.
The various choices made to address these purposes are influenced by the underlying philosophy, which is as follows:
1.      Develop computer fluency, not just computer literacy.
While computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, computer fluency means a robust understanding of what is needed to use information technology effectively across a range of applications. The goal of computer fluency is to enable students to adapt to the changes in digital world rather than merely be aware about computer and its application.
2.      Develop thinking process skills, not just content mastery.

While content mastery (domain knowledge) is important, the need to develop thinking process skills (cognitive processes used by experts) is well established [Padilla 1990; Big6 skills]. Hence, curriculum should have explicit emphasis on teaching of thinking process skills, which are the basic procedures and methods used in making sense of complex situations, solving problems, conducting investigations
and communicating ideas. Computer literacy skills are introduced only after motivating the need for developing the corresponding thinking process skill.

3.      Highlight the interconnectedness of knowledge, not just address a topic/subject in isolation.

While mastery of a topic is important, recognizing the inter-connectedness of various topics and ideas leads students to construct a more expert-like knowledge structure [Ellis and Stuen 1998]. Hence, emphasis should be on:
(i)                 thematic integration, i.e., the integration of knowledge from various subjects into the Computers curriculum, and the use of computer-skills activities to strengthen knowledge in other subjects, and
(ii)               spiral curriculum, i.e., the content of the curriculum is organized such that themes and topics are revisited with increasing depth in each successive visit.

    Key Features
  •      Thinking process skills
  •     Computer literacy integrated with fundamental concepts and thinking skills
  •     Thematic integration
  •     Spiral curriculum
  •    Scalability 

The philosophy led to the identification of key features. Now, we describes the process followed to operationalize the features into topics to be taught at each grade. As mentioned above, categorize topics into Concepts, Usage Skills and Social Aspects. The process used for coming up with the curriculum details is as follows:
1. Identify what concepts, usage skills and social aspects are relevant for K-12 levels, keeping in mind the key features of integrating computer literacy with thinking skills. This led to the identification of the following themes: Familiarity with computers, Computer applications, Thinking skills, Computer programming, and Social values.
2. Organize the themes into sub-themes and topics to be taught in each grade by applying the spiral design. The age-appropriateness of the topics is addressed by the spiral design.
3. Define learning objectives for the topics in each grade. The learning objectives are measurable indicators of the performance of a student in that topic [Anderson and Krathwohl 2001].

Integration of Technology into the Curriculum: An Interdisciplinary approach
Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective tech integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that research shows deepen and enhance the learning process. In particular, it must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts. Effective technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and transparent and when technology supports curricular goals.
Many people believe that technology-enabled project learning is the ne plus ultra of classroom instruction. Learning through projects while equipped with technology tools allows students to be intellectually challenged while providing them with a realistic snapshot of what the modern office looks like. Through projects, students acquire and refine their analysis and problem-solving skills as they work individually and in teams to find, process, and synthesize information they've found online.
As with many teaching strategies, there are common methods in using technology that can be applied across various academic disciplines and grade levels. Having a set of generic models and strategies that are multipurpose in application assists teacher candidates in quickly developing technology-rich lessons for their fieldwork. This set can be continuously modified as experience in teaching increases through their student teaching.

To provide an overview of proven effective models and strategies, some are as follow:

Web-based lessons

§  WebQuests (
§      CyberGuides (
§      Filamentality (

Multimedia presentations

Telecomputing projects

Online discussions

Say if we take Webquest - A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners’ time well; to focus on using information rather than looking for it; and to support learners’ thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Developed by Bernie Dodge with Tom March at San Diego State University, the WebQuest model has been effectively applied to all levels of education, from elementary to postgraduate study.
Example: The social studies curriculum for grades 6–8 contains investigations into relationships in our world. Topics include weather, life cycle, and communities in both science and social science. One WebQuest, hosted on the Pacific Bell Knowledge Network site, asks students to look at these relationships and aspects of life on our planet. The “Big Wide World WebQuest” ( wired/bww/index.html) uses a rubric appropriate for students at this age level. However, most students would not be ready to explore all of the activities; teacher may want to select a few activities that target their curriculum specifically. Some teachers in Grade 6 have chosen to include all the areas, reviewing foundation knowledge and adding more depth to student understanding of these relationships. As an example, one activity relating to language arts in the “Big Wide World WebQuest” asks students K–1 to link to International Symbols or hear animal sounds while looking at a picture of the animal. Students in third or fourth grade explore heroes of the world under the section entitled “People.”
The myriad resources of the online world also provide each classroom with more interesting, diverse, and current learning materials. The Web connects students to experts in the real world and provides numerous opportunities for expressing understanding through images, sound, and text.
New tech tools for visualizing and modelling, offer students ways to experiment and observe phenomenon and to view results in graphic ways that aid in understanding. And, as an added benefit, with technology tools and a project-learning approach, students are more likely to stay engaged and on task, reducing behavioural problems in the classroom.

Themes and Topics
As indicated this section addresses the purpose of ‘curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted’. The curriculum has been classified into five themes: familiarity with computers, computer applications, thinking process skills, computer programming, and social values and ethics.
Each of the themes has multiple sub-themes.
Familiarity with computers: Topics in this theme provide opportunities to become familiar with computer associated vocabulary, learn computer and file operations, and acquire usage skills.
Computer applications: Topics in this theme build competency in applications usage, such as word processor, presentation, multimedia, spreadsheet and Internet, thereby enabling students to utilize the potential of computer as users of the technology.
Thinking process skills: Topics in this theme build cognitive abilities of algorithmic thinking, reasoning, problem solving, information gathering, brain storming and synthesizing, using multiple representations, and divergent thinking. These abilities enable students to plan and execute complex projects, use the appropriate applications for a given project, and write well engineered programs. In addition, these abilities equip students to deal with real life situations.
Computer programming: Topics in this theme develop algorithmic thinking skills and enable students to become creators of technology. Computer programming is addressed in two phases, to avoid cognitive overload. A graphic user interface (GUI) based language to be used in the first phase, for learning of programming concepts. Text-based syntax is introduced only in the second phase, through a different language, such as Basic. The two phases are bridged by teaching how to draw flow charts and write pseudo-code.
Social aspects – safety and ethics: Topics in this theme sensitize students to ergonomic, social and ethical issues associated with computer use. These issues are incorporated in the curriculum by way of exercises to avoid computer related injury, Internet safety guidelines, and values such as sensitivity to others and intellectual property rights.
The above themes are further detailed into sub-themes and topics at each grade level.

The model curriculum should develop computer fluency and thinking skills, in a manner that highlights the interconnectedness of knowledge. It uses a spiral curriculum design to ensure that students retain their learning and progress to deeper levels. The detailed specification of learning objectives for each topic at each grade may help to standardize the  competencies expected from students at each grade, and enable teachers to focus creativity on ‘how to teach’ rather than ‘what to teach’. Curriculum based on above suggestion can equip students with computer concepts, usage skills, and also the 4Cs of 21st century skills - critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity [Trilling and Fadel 2009].

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