Monday, 26 August 2013


Any analysis of mathematics education in our schools will identify a range of issues as problematic. We structure our understanding of these issues around the following four problems which we deem to be the core areas of concern:
1. A sense of fear and failure regarding mathematics among a majority of children,
2. A curriculum that disappoints both a talented minority as well as the non-participating majority at the same time,
3. Crude methods of assessment that encourage perception of mathematics as mechanical computation, and
4. Lack of teacher preparation and support in the teaching of mathematics.
5 Each of these can and need to be expanded on, since they concern the curricular framework in essential ways.

Fear and Failure

If any subject area of study evokes wide emotional comment, it is mathematics. While no one educated in (or at the least, not without a sense of shame or ignorance of any , it is quite the social norm for anyone to proudly declare that (s)he never could learn mathematics. While these may be adult attitudes, among children (who are compelled to pass mathematics examinations) there is often fear and anxiety. Mathematics anxiety and ‘math phobia’ are terms that are used in popular literature. In the context, there is a special dimension to such anxiety. With the universalisation of elementary education made a priority, and elementary education a legal right, at this historic juncture, a serious attempt must be made to look into every aspect that alienates children in school and contributes towards their non-participation, eventually leading to their dropping out of the system. If any subject taught in school plays a significant role in alienating children and causing them to stop attending school, perhaps mathematics, which inspires so much dread, must take a big part of the blame.

Such fear is closely linked to a sense of failure. By Class III or IV, many children start seeing themselves as unable to cope with the demands made by mathematics. In high school, among children who fail only in one or two subjects in year-end examinations and hence are detained, the maximum numbers fail in mathematics. This statistic pursues us right through to Class X, which is when the Indian state issues a certificate of education to a student. The largest numbers of Board Exam failures also happen in mathematics.

There are many perceptive studies and analyses on what causes fear of mathematics in schools. Central
among them is the cumulative nature of mathematics. If you struggle with decimals, then you will struggle
with percentages; if you struggle with percentages, then you will struggle with algebra and other mathematics
subjects as well. The other principal reason is said to be the predominance of symbolic language. When
symbols are manipulated without understanding, after a point, boredom and bewilderment dominate for
many children, and dissociation develops.

Failure in mathematics could be read through social indicators as well. Structural problems in education, reflecting structures of social discrimination, by way of class, caste and gender, contribute further to failure (and perceived failure) in mathematics education as well. 

Disappointing Curriculum

Any mathematics curriculum that emphasizes procedure and knowledge of formulas over understanding is bound to enhance anxiety. The prevalent practice of school mathematics goes further: a silent majority give up early on, remaining content to fail in mathematics, or at best, to see it through, maintaining a minimal level of achievement. For these children, what the curriculum offers is a store of mathematical facts, borrowed temporarily while preparing for tests.

On the other hand, it is widely acknowledged that more than in any other content discipline, mathematics is the subject that also sees great motivation and talent even at an early age in a small number of children.These are children who take to quantification and algebra easily and carry on with great facility. What the curriculum offers for such children is also intense disappointment. By not offering conceptual depth, by not challenging them, the curriculum settles for minimal use of their motivation. Learning procedures may be easy for them, but their understanding and capacity for reasoning remain under exercised.

Crude Assessment

We talked of fear and failure. While what happens in class may alienate, it never evokes panic, as does the examination. Most of the problems cited above relate to the tyranny of procedure and memorization of formulas in school mathematics, and the central reason for the ascendancy of procedure is the nature of assessment and evaluation. Tests are designed (only) for assessing a student’s knowledge of procedure and memory of formulas and facts, and given the criticality of examination performance in school life, concept learning is replaced by procedural memory. Those children who cannot do such replacement successfully experience panic, and suffer failure.

While mathematics is the major ground for formal problem solving in school, it is also the only arena where children see little room for play in answering questions. Every question in mathematics is seen to have one unique answer, and either you know it or you don’t. In Language, Social Studies, or even in Science, you may try and demonstrate partial knowledge, but (as the students see it), there is no scope for doing so in mathematics. Obviously, such a perception is easily coupled to anxiety.

Amazingly, while there has been a great deal of research in mathematics education and some of it has led to changes in pedagogy and curriculum, the area that has seen little change in our schools over a hundred years or more is evaluation procedures in mathematics. It is not accidental that even a quarterly examination in Class VII is not very different in style from a Board examination in Class X, and the same pattern dominates even the end-of chapter exercises given in textbooks. It is always application of some piece of information given in the text to solve a specific problem that tests use of formalism. Such antiquated and crude methods of assessment have to be thoroughly overhauled if any basic change is to be brought about.

Inadequate Teacher Preparation

More so than any other content discipline, mathematics education relies very heavily on the preparation that
the teacher has, in her own understanding of mathematics, of the nature of mathematics, and in her bag of pedagogic techniques. Textbook-centred pedagogy dulls the teacher’s own mathematics activity. At two ends of the spectrum, mathematics teaching poses special problems. At the primary level, most teachers assume that they know all the mathematics needed, and in the absence of any specific pedagogic training, simply try and uncritically reproduce the techniques they experienced in their school days. Often this ends up perpetuating problems across time and space.

At the secondary and higher secondary level, some teachers face a different situation. The syllabi have considerably changed since their school days, and in the absence of systematic and continuing education programmes for teachers, their fundamentals in many concept areas are not strong. This encourages reliance
on ‘notes’ available in the market, offering little breadth or depth for the students.

While inadequate teacher preparation and support acts negatively on all of school mathematics, at the primary stage, its main consequence is this: mathematics pedagogy rarely resonates with the findings of children’s psychology. At the upper primary stage, when the language of abstractions is formalized in algebra, inadequate teacher preparation reflects as inability to link formal mathematics with experiential learning. Later on, it reflects as incapacity to offer connections within mathematics or across subject areas to applications in the sciences, thus depriving students of important motivation and appreciation.

I summarize what we believe to be the central directions for action towards our stated vision. I group them again into four central themes:
1. Shifting the focus of mathematics education from achieving ‘narrow’ goals to ‘higher’ goals,
2. Engaging every student with a sense of success, while at the same time offering conceptual challenges to the emerging mathematician,
3. Changing modes of assessment to examine students’ mathematisation abilities rather than procedural knowledge,
4. Enriching teachers with a variety of mathematical resources.

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